Nostalgia is a good thing. It helps us remember the past and brings us to happy places when we are in a down place. That’s what movies do for me. I like nothing better than to sit back and enjoy a movie without having to think too much. These two characters, Bill and Ted, are iconic and engrained in our history.
So then a couple years ago when I was presented with a one sheet showing these iconic characters in their familiar phone booth a part of my youth shouted in glee, “Be excellent to each other!” I could hardly believe that they were coming back. For a couple of years I have been agonizing over the question of, “What if they ruin it?”
Sure, it is the same cast and the same crew, but would it really be the same? I’m proud to announce that after watching the movie I can say without question that they did a good job of bringing my childhood back to me during this time of darkness.
I say a good job because it doesn’t have the music that Bogus Journey had, and it didn’t have the freshness of Excellent Adventure. What it did have though was a solid message, good laughs, and it was dripping with nostalgia.
If you are looking for a funny movie with soul and have fond memories of Bill and Ted then I’d recommend this movie to you.