Entertainment Quantified

Jan 30, 2003 - Fun

The Misadventures of TheTodd - "The Screen Savers" Taping

Before we get too far into this, let me start by saying this. Yes, I know. There is a bus that would have taken me to the studio. I’m TheTodd. I had to find a more independent means of getting to the studio. The Screen Savers is a one-hour live television show that is on TechTV. Why are you surprised? If you are reading this web site, you know Im a geek. Anyway, I was up in the City today and I was able to get a ticket to see a taping of this show. The show starts at 4PM Pacific Time and lasts one hour. However, they request that you get there one hour early to “learn how to be in an audience.” That translates into being at the studio by about 2:50PM. I never made it to the studio. “But Todd, there’s a shuttle to the studio.” I know I know. When I walked by the main office to catch the shuttle there were people standing outside looking at me. Besides, it was only 2:05PM when I walked by there. I did not want to be standing outside of the studio for 50 minutes looking like some autograph hound. Besides, the person that I talked to at TechTV said it was an easy walk and lots of people make it. How hard could it be to find one little road in San Francisco? I even know the two roads on either side. “But Todd, there’s a shuttle to the studio.” Would you stop? I know. I’m starting to think that I sabotaged it on purpose. Awe, what do I know? I got a D in psychology. So, I walked up to one of the two streets and started walking. Now mind you, I’ve been walking around the City all day, and was already feeling really tired. I was not sure if I should go right or left. I flipped a coin and went right. I had lots of time so I figured I would walk a few blocks this way and if I’m wrong I’ll walk a few blocks the other way and still have plenty of time to make the show. “But Todd, there’s a shuttle to the studio.” At 3:05PM I figured I had just about enough of walking up and down the hills on 18th street. I continued all the way over to 3rd street and up to the CalTrain station. I was home right as the show was ending. I was tired, sore, and utterly defeated. “But Todd…” I know, I should have swallowed my pride and waited for the shuttle. So, I’ll have to wait until another time to see the magic that is a television show. Whatever that means. Oh, and next time I will take the shuttle. If you want to chime in on how much of a moron I am, send me some E-mail. Todd at TheTodd dot Com is my E-mail address (I wonder if the spam bots will figure that out…). I have to go now, the voices in my head won’t stop shouting at me that there was a shuttle to the studio.